How To launch
1. Prepare
We've made it really simple to launch the Conquer Series in your church, just follow these three steps. Please feel free to contact us if you need any help.
ORDER the Church Promotional Kit which will help you to successfully promote your Conquer Group in your church. It includes 3 large posters, 100 bulletin inserts and 20 invitation cards.
SET UP Your group on
GENERATE and send your RSVP link at
2. Announce
Perhaps the most daunting part of promoting the Conquer Series is how to promote it during your Sunday morning church service, but it doesn’t have to be! Remember, this is about helping men to be stronger, honorable husbands, better fathers and courageous brothers in Christ. Let’s take a look at some great examples...
Ask your Pastor to introduce the course during service, or have someone share their testimony.
Place posters in your church foyer and on the men’s bathroom door and add a page to your church website promoting the Conquer Group.
Download the Conquer Series 60-second film trailer and play it on Sunday morning announcing the new men's small group study.
Place bulletin Inserts from your Church Promotional Kit in your Sunday morning bulletin. Continue promoting the upcoming Conquer Group with weekly announcement videos, emails and social media posts.
Here's how one pastor announced the Conquer Series

Pastor Randy Burt from New Life Church in Venice, Florida first ran the Conquer Series earlier this year and had 50 men show up on the first night.
Here's how churches are announcing the Conquer Series

Get men from your church involved
If you have some strong men in your congregation who love building stuff, chopping wood or rolling around in the mud, then you might want to make something like this video from HillCity Church in Canada.

The light hearted approach
The Vine Church in Hong Kong has created something more satirical, but it effectively gets the point across. Just make sure you watch out for those nut allergies when buying snacks for your Conquer Group!

Use the Conquer Series trailer
If you don’t have a video team at your disposal, that’s ok! We have created the Conquer Series trailer so that you can show it during your church service as a way to promote your Conquer Group. The trailer can be downloaded on theConquer Series resources page.
3. Invite
Use the personal invitation cards in your Church Promotional Kit to invite other men to your group. Personal invitations are the main reason people show up to church activities, so get a core group of men together and encourage each of them to invite 10 men.